Thursday, April 09, 2009

Preview 2

Pillz and Pero stood in Pero's back yard.

Pillz: You know, we probably could have found a better place to hold these tryouts.

Pero: I called my friends. They wouldn't let us use their back yards.

Pillz: A back yard wasn't what I had in mind.

Pero: Too late now. This is where I told them to meet us.

Pillz: Are you sure all of the people who responded can show up here on such short notice?

Pero: I'm pretty sure. One of them is already here.

Pillz looked around and saw nobody. Then he felt a rush of air breeze pass him. He could make out an object blurring through the yard. It made zig-zag lines and then headed back towards Pillz.

Pillz held up his ringed hand and braced himself. The object stopped right in front of him. It was a young man wearing a skintight running suit. He held out his hand for Pillz to shake. Pillz shook it and the young man introduced himself as RaptorPat. Pillz learned he talked as fast as he ran.

RaptorPat: RaptorPat's the name. Running's the game. I can run really fast. Of course you already saw that. I got here as quick as I could, nyuck nyuck. Anybody else here. Nope, I can already see that they are not. Figures I'd be the first one here. Ain't going to find nobody fatser than me. I'm quick to the point to the point no fakin'. Cooking these B's like a pound of bacon.

Pillz: Thank you for coming. A speedster. We could use one of you. What's your top speed record at?

RaptorPat: Like any man-made instrument can record how fast I go. You want to know how fast I am? I left my house five minutes ago. And I live 3,ooo miles from here.

Pillz nodded, he was impressed.

Pillz: How well do you do in a fight?

RaptorPat: I've taken on all sorts of criminal elements back in my town. Bank robbers, murders, rapists, paedophiles, car jackers, burglers, jay walkers, litterers, hookers, johns, pick-pockets, and the occasional peeping tom.

Pillz: Sounds like you have your town under control. Why do you want to join up with us?

RaptorPat: I need to look at the big picture. Instead of just take care of one town, I want to start taking care of the world. And this seems like the team to do it with.

Pillz: Good. Well, you just have to pass the obstacle course and you'll be a part of The Power Pack.

RaptorPat looked around the yard.

RaptorPat: Obstacle course? I don't see an obstacle course? All I see is is a kiddie pool, a swing set, a beaten down tree house, and a trampoline.

Pero: NOOOO!!!!

Pero began to change into PeroHulk.

PeroHulk: Pero no like trampoline! Pero no like fast man who talk fast! Pero smash!

PeroHulk lunged at RaptorPat.

RaptorPat moved quicker than lightning. He was already ten feet behind PeroHulk before the big brute was able to get his foot down.

RaptorPat: Over here, big boy.

PeroHulk turned to face him. Before he was even completely turned around, RaptroPat had ran to a different place. At the other end of the yard.

RaptorPat: Too slow! You got to do better than that.

PeroHulk looked at the fast man. PeroHulk knew he couldn't catch him by chasing him. PeroHulk knew he had to clow him down.

PeroHulk ran towards the trampoline.

RaptorPat watched him, amused. He loved going up against the big guys. They always thought that brute force would help the win the fight. His mind drifted back to the time he faced the Slaughterhouse 5. They were five really big butchers who were kidnapping out-of-towners and using them for cuts of meat. He started to chuckle when he remembered how he found out, that bologne sandwhich did have a...RaptorPat's mind snapped back to the present. Just in time to see a trampoline hurling towards him.

Pillz watched intently, as this little battle unfolded. RaptorPat was indeed fast. He had the right reflexes the teem needed. Then he saw his weakness.

After the speedster had ran to the other end of the yard, Pillz could make out that he started to lose focus on Pero. That mistake almost cost him his life. PeroHulk had picked up the trampoline and threw it at RaptorPat, like a frisbee. RaptorPat seemed to snap out of a daydream and was able to move out of the way in time.

PeroHulk growled as the fast man ran out of the way. The fast man was taunting him now. And the angrier PeroHulk gets, the stronger PeroHulk gets. PeroHulk ran walked towards a tree. He would bash in fast man's skull with it. PeroHulk wrapped his arms around the tree and began to uproot it. Then he heard his mom's voice.

Pero's Mom: Pero Michael Montgomery! What do you think you are doing?

PeroHulk: Me smash fast man!

Pero's Mom: Well, you can smash fast man with something else besides our oaks. Your grandfather planted those trees! Now, convert back to your regular self, you have another visitor.

A young woman came walking around the side of the house. She looked around the yard. A man in his late twenties was taking notes. He was wearing a god-awful ring. A big yellow thing was trying to stick a tree down in the yard. And a young kid was wearing a much too tight unitard.

She knew she was at the right place.

RaptorPat recognized her immediately. He saw picture posted up on the ASMB.

RaptorPat: Burnsy! It's me, RaptorPat. I'm so glad you could make it. I knew you'd come. I've been wanting to team up with you for a while now.

Burnsy: I bet you have.

RaptorPat ran over to Pillz.

RaptorPat: You're going to love her. She's hot in more ways than one. She can make fire and control it. Show them, Burnsy, show them what you got.

Burnsy strated to move her hands in front of her. It looked like she was trying to turn an invisible ball between her hands. Moments later, an tiny ball of fire began to grow between her moving hand. The fire grew bigger. It became the size of a bowling ball when she stopped. She held out her right hand, the ball of fire floating above it.

She looked over at Pero, who had returned to his human form. The tree he had uprooted now laid flat on the ground.

Burnsy: Honey, you may want to get away from that tree.

Pero ran away. Burnsy shot the fireball from her hand. It struck the tree. Burnsy then used her power to make the fire spread out all over the tree. She let it burn for a few seconds, then made the fire die out.

Pillz: Impressive. A pyrokinetic would be a great addition to the team.

RaptorPat: So, we are part of the team? We are now Power Pack members?

Pillz: Nothing is official yet. We still have other potential members to evaluate. I would love to bring you all on, but we need this to be a tight group.

Pero: This is it.

Pillz: What do you mean, this is it?

Pero: These are the only two people that said they'd come.

Pillz: Only two people? Why didn't you tell me this before? When I asked you how many people responded, you said a bunch. Two people is not a bunch.

Pero: A bunch of people did responded! They responded with "You're dumb Pero", "No one's going to join your stupid team Pero", and "Is your mom home yet Pero?".

Pillz did a facepalm.

Pillz motioned everybody to join around him. The gathered on the back porch. Pillz had the three of them line up before him.

Pillz: Fine. We are the new Power Pack. Pillz, Pero, RaptorPat, and Burnsy.

Pero: I don't like it.

Pillz: Like what?

Pero: The names. I still think one of the requirements should have been "your name must start with a P".

Pillz: We can't be choosey like that. Besides, if we had done that, then nobody would have shown up.

Pero pointed Pillz.

Pillz: He still would have.

Pillz turned around. He saw a strange sight before him.

A man was walking towards them. The first thing Pillz noticed, was the fact that the man was wearing silver face paint with evry single hair on his head dyed red. He wore a suit that looked like it belonged on a minstrel act performer. In one hand, he held a hunting knife. In the other, he held a bird cage containing a parakeet.