Thursday, April 27, 2006

Secret Ending Number 1

Gweg couldn't believe what he was seeing on his TV.

Satyr was sitting at a kitchen table eating a dinner with Gweg's mother.

Satyr turned toward the camera.

Satyr: You don't actually think I'm going to screw this old broad do you? Why don't you do us both a favor and restart this DVD so I can get me a piece of ass.

Gweg: That son of a bitch.

Marie: That was your mother?

Gweg: Yes. I'm going to kill that piece of shit for putting her into a porno. He has finally crossed the line with me. I need to find out where this party is.

Gweg got onto the computer and went into Satyr's files.

Gweg: I found out that he writes a list of things he wants to accomplish the next day before he goes to bed. Usually he forgets to do it, but I might get lucky. He doesn't think I know or that I look through his stuff, but I've learned to be more cautious.

Gweg found what he was looking for.

Gweg: Good. Seems this party is being held at the studio apartment where he did some of the filming. I'm going, I'm sorry to cut this night off so shortly, but I have to do this.

Marie: I understand, I can't help but feel this is somehow my fault.

Gweg: No, it's not. This is his fault. And partly mine. I've let him get away with this shit for far too long. Now it ends tonight.

Marie: I'm coming with you.

Gweg: I don't know how this is going to turn out. I'll feel much better if you stay here.

Marie: I don't want anything happening to you Gweg. I haven't told you this, but meeting you has renewed my faith in God and has given me a new sense of hope. I'll feel much safer if I'm there by your side.

The look on her face and tears forming in her eyes was enough to change Gweg's mind. There was no possible way to say no to her now.

Gweg: I love you Marie.

Marie: I love you too.

They left the apartment and got into Gweg's station wagon. Little did they know that they were being watched.

Gweg found the apartment, which Satyr had conveniently left directions to on the computer.

Gweg: I want you to stay behind me at all times.

Marie. Ok.

They got out and went into the apartment.

There were 20 people crammed in there, all watching "Choose Your Porn Adventure" on a big screen TV.

Satyr saw Gweg and Marie walking in.

Satyr: Hey peeps! It's my good buddy Gweg! Let's all welcome him to the party!

Gweg: I saw the porno.

Satyr: And what exactly did you see on it?

Gweg: My mother.

Satyr: Now listen Gweg, I didn't do anything to her.

Gweg: I know, but the mere fact that you put her in the vile garbage you call a film is cause enough alone to warrant what I'm about to do to you.

Gweg held up a pistol and pointed it at Satyr.

Satyr: Put that thing away.

Gweg: No Satyr, you are going to get what you deserve.

Gweg was too busy concentrating on Satyr, he didn't here a figure walk up behind him and Marie.

Satyr saw who it was and his eyes grew wide, he tried to say something, but the words didn't come out.

Cyber saw him to, but wasn't alarmed. He knew the man was the financial backer for the film.

Satyr had ran out of funds, or at least he said he did, by renting the studio apartment for a month and buying furniture for the place. After he ran out of money, Satyr asked Cyber to secure a loan for him.

Cyber found a peculiar website that might could have helped him. The owners of the website sat up a meeting between Cyber and the financial backer.

He agreed to give Cyber all the money he needed in exchange for 60% of the profit made from the film. Cyber agreed, but never told Satyr about this. Cyber didn't care, but he wasn't expecting to get paid by Satyr anyway.

So when the financial backer showed up, Cyber thought he was just there for the party. He was wrong.

The man had walked up behind Marie and grabbed her. Gweg whipped around and fired his gun at the man. The bullet struck the man right in the chest, but it did no harm.

The Man: You should be more careful with that when I am holding the woman you love in my arms.

Satyr: There is something familiar about all of this.

Gweg was so shocked by what was happening, that when he came to his sense and realized who the man was, he lost control of his bladder.

The man saw this and smiled.

The Man: I'm glad you remember me Gweg.

Gweg: How could I ever forget you, Zexotellian.

Zexotellian, The (former) Dark Lord of the 7th Netherworld let out a vicious laugh.

Zexotellian: ?I'll now have my vengeance against you Gweg. The Nether Gods made me the ruler of the 8th Netherworld after that little stunt you pulled! I was the laughing stock among all of the Dark Lords. So, when I get called up to fund a little money for this porno, I took the opportunity to plan my revenge against you. Laugh at me, Bah,! They will admire me when they have found out what I have done. I am Zexotellian! The Nether Gods will beg me to take back my throne in the 7th Netherworld! Even though when I do this, I will be automatically transported back to the Netherworlds, it will be well worth it.

Zexotellian twisted Marie's head right off of her shoulders, covering Gweg in her blood.

Black smoke started surrounding Zexotellian.

Zexotellian: Ha Ha! Zexotellian always gets his revenge! 7th Netherworld, here I come!

Zexotellian disappeared.

Gweg stood there in shock. He turned back towards Satyr.

Gweg: This is all of your fault!

Satyr: I didn't know Zexotellian was here! It was Cyber, he's the one that had to call him!

Cyber: Yeah I did, but I didn't know you guys had pissed him off!

Gweg lifted his gun and shot it at Satyr. Gweg's eyes were filled with tears and it caused him to miss.

Satyr: Holy shit! Tackle him!.

Nobody moved a muscle. Gweg started movie towards Satyr. Satyr reached into his pocket and pulled out the HARM Ray.

Satyr: I didn't want to have to do this Gweg.

Satyr shot Gweg with the gun. He went over to him and whispered into his ear.

Satyr: Gweg, you will now go home and forget any of this has happened. That includes what happened to Marie, seeing Zexotellian, and seeing your mom in the porno. When you wake up, you will believe that Marie was killed a freak helicopter accident. Her head was cut off by the propeller. Ok?

Gweg: Ok.

Gweg got up, stepped over Marie's body, and got into his car and went home.

Cyber: What in the hell are we supposed to do with that body?

Satyr looked down at the body. He then looked at one of the party guest, who happened to be a popular male porn star, then he looked down at his HARM ray.

One dose left.

Satyr: Don't worry Cyber, I've got an idea.

The Choose Your Porn Adventure sold pretty well. Satyr didn't see as much money coming from that as he had hoped, but oh well. His other porno, The Headless Corpse Bride, didn't do too well in the market.

You win some, you lose some.

The End.


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