Thursday, April 27, 2006


Satyr thought to himself, "Fuck it, it's my apartment, I'll do whatever I damn well please".

Satyr entered the room.

Satyr: Honey, I'm home.

Gweg: Damn. I was hoping you would be out all night.

Satyr: Sorry to spoil your fun.

Satyr's eyes locked in on the figure sitting next to Gweg. She was a gorgeous blonde, 5 foot, 8 inches, with a great rack and a great figure to go along with it.

It took all the strength Satyr could muster to keep himself from pounding on his chest and letting out a primal yell.

Satyr: Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?

Gweg: I hadn't planned on it.

Marie: It's ok Gweg. My name is Marie. You must be Satyr. A pleasure to meet you.

Satyr: I can assure you, the pleasure is all mine.

Satyr walked over to kiss Marie on the hand, but that look in Gweg's eyes caused him to back off.

Satyr: I can see that you two want some privacy, so I'm going to go straight to my room.

Gweg: Thanks. I appreciate that.

Satyr went into his room and immediately got on his new cell phone. He dialed up Cyber.

Cyber: Yes boss, what is it?

Satyr: I have just come across the perfect star for our film. I need you to get all of the information on her you can get.

Cyber: What's her name?

Satyr: Shit! I only have her first name. It's Marie.

Cyber:Ugh. What does she look like.

Satyr described her to him.

Cyber: Well, it'll take a little longer than usual, but I'll get her info tonight and email it to you.

Satyr: You are a hacker god, Cyber.

Cyber: Don't you forget it. I want a couple of scenes with her, if you know what I mean.

Satyr: Don't worry Cyber, your wish is her command.

They let out a laugh.

Out in the living room, the movie was coming to an end.

Marie: Even though it's a happy ending, I always cry.

Marie looked over at Gweg and saw a tear streaming down his eye.

She leaned over and kissed him.

To Gweg, the kiss lasted forever. In reality, it only lasted several seconds.

Marie: We'll have to continue this tomrrow Gweg. I've got a meeting very early in the morning, but I'll get off of work early too. So, I'll see you later.

Gweg: Alright.

Marie kissed him again and left the apartment.

Satyr: Ooooohhh, you dog you.

Gweg: What happened to that privacy you were going to give us.

Satyr: I gave it to you. I just had to use the bathroom.

Gweg: Well, you just stay away from her.

Satyr: Don't worry Gweg. I'll let you have your little fun. I've got my own things going on.

Gweg: Glad to hear it.

The next day.

Marie left her meeting in a hurry. She knew that God had delivered Gweg to her. She had been praying to Him to deliver her a good man to settle down with. She was a bit worried to see that Gweg's roommate looked like the Devil himself, but just because God sets you down the right path, it doesn't mean He won't put obstacles in your way.

Marie was in such a rush to get to her car, she didn't see the man standing in front of her. She bumped right into him.

Marie: I'm sorry sir. I wasn't paying....

The man she had ran into wasn't a man at all, it was Satyr.

Satyr: That's quite all right Marie. You know, it's a funny thing bumping into you here.

Marie: Is it?

Satyr: Yes, you see, I was praying to, uh God, to delivery me the perfect star for this movie I am doing, and last night I saw you.

Marie: I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about.

Satyr: Good. It's going to stay that way.

Satyr pulled out his HARM Ray and shot it at Marie.

A van pulled up and Cyber got out of the back. He and Satyr lifted Marie up and put her in the back of the van.

Satyr: Let's go, we've got a lot to do and a short time to do it in.

Gweg was starting to get worried. Marie had called him on her break and told him she would be getting off at work at 2. It was now 3.

Gweg tried calling her cell phone again, but there was still no answer.

Gweg didn't know what to do.

Click here to have Gweg go out and look for Marie.

Click here to have Gweg wait for Marie to call him.


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