Thursday, April 27, 2006


Gweg decided to sit at home and wait for her to call.

It was the longest four hours of his life.

During that time, he kept calling her and fearing the worst. Did she decide not to see him anymore? Did she get into an accident? He didn't know.

He decided to call the hospital and see if anyone matching Marie's description had been brought in.

Gweg was relieved to hear there wasn't.

At seven o'clock, the phone rang, Gweg immediately answered it.

Gweg: Hello.

Marie: Oh Gweg, I am so sorry.

Gweg: What happened?

Marie: I don't remember much, but I just woke up in my bedroom. I don't even know how I got here.

Gweg: Are you alright?

Marie: Yeah, I got a splitting headache. But I feel so awful, I saw the time and realized I hadn't talked to you today... I don't know, I guess I must have came home and passed out on my bed from exhaustion or something.

Gweg: Well, as long as you are alright. I was so worried something happened to you.

Marie: I'm sorry. I just don't know. I'll make it up to you. We'll spend the whole day together tomorrow.

Gweg: I would like that.

Marie: I would come over now, but this headache.

Gweg: That's alright. Take some medicine and get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow.

Marie: It's a date.

Gweg hung up the phone. As he was doing so, Satyr walked into the apartment.

Satyr: Where's your honey at? I was expecting to see her here again.

Gweg: She's not felling to well.

Satyr: That is a shame. Well, today was a very productive day for my film.

Gweg: Yeah, I bet. I'm going to go take a shower and then I'm going to bed.

Satyr: Don't drown.

Gweg left the room. Satyr let our a sigh of relief.

Satyr thought to himself, "If he ever found out what I did, oh boy, would I be in for it then."

The next several days went by without a hitch. Satyr's movie was going along pretty well, and Gweg and Marie's relationship was getting stronger.

On the same night that Satyr was throwing a party at the studio apartment to celebrate the release of his film, Marie and Gweg were going to get more intimate in their relationship.

Marie: Are you sure your roommate won't barge in on us tonight?

Gweg: Yes. He's at some stupid party.

Marie: That's good. Tonight is going to be a special night for us.

Gweg: Every night with you is a special night.

Marie: Ok Gweg, I have never met a man as sweet as you.

Gweg: And I have never met a woman as fantastic as you.

Marie wrapped her arms around Gweg and kissed him deeply.

Marie: It makes me happy to hear those things Gweg, but I fear that what I'm about to tell you, you'll think less of me.

Gweg: I don't think that's possible.

Marie: Well you see, in order for me to fully get into the mood for sex, I need to watch an adult film.

Gweg: That's ok Marie. I've heard of such things. It's perfectly alright.

Marie: You are the greatest man in the world.

Marie: I brought a brand new one with me. It just came out today. It's called "Choose Your Porn Adventure".

Gweg smiled at the title and then realized something.

Marie saw the look on his face.

Marie: What's wrong honey?

Gweg: I have a bad feeling about this porno.

Marie: The guy said it was one of the best he's ever seen. And he looked like he has seen a lot. Let's just put it in and see how it is.

Gweg let Marie put it in and felt the walls closing in on him. There was no way in hell it was going to be a coincidence.

The DVD started and the first thing to come on the screen was Satyr.

(On the TV) Satyr: Hello. My name is Satyr and this is the world's first "Choose Your Porn Adventure"! You will guide me and make my decisions for me as I go for a sexual romp. So, I beg you, please choose wisely. Let's get started.

Marie: Oh my god, that's your roommate!

Gweg: So, this was the film he was talking about. I should have known.

Marie: I'm so sorry. I didn't know.

Gweg: It's alright. It's not your fault.

Marie: I'm sorry, tonight was going to be special. And this was the only porno I brought.

Gweg: That's ok, I found a few that Satyr hasn't returned to the video rental yet, we can watch one of those.

Marie: Dang. I really wanted to see what this was going to be all about.

On the TV, the video camera had followed Satyr into a bar. Satyr was talking to some bar slut and the option came on as to whether or not the viewer wanted Satyr to have sex with her or not.

Gweg: Give me that controller, I'm going to get a little bit of satisfaction from this DVD.

Marie: What are you going to do?

Gweg: I'm going to make him turn down all of these women.

Gweg had made Satyr turn down the first five women, when he got to the sixth one, he was in for a shock.

Gweg: Oh my god!

The sixth woman was Marie:

Marie: What the? No, I didn't? That can't be me!

Gweg looked at the screen and back at Marie. There was no mistaking, it was her.

Marie: I swear to God and Jesus, I did not do this. I would never do this.

Gweg believed her. But how did Satyr do it. He stopped the DVD.

Marie burst into tears.

Satyr had crossed the one line that Gweg never though he'd be capable of crossing. But he did, and now he was going to pay.

Gweg had found out where Satyr's party was at. Gweg was going there with every intention of putting the hurt on Satyr. Marie insisted on going with him.

Gweg and Marie left the apartment building and got into his station wagon.

Little did they know that they were being watched..

Gweg arrived at the studio apartment were Satyr was having his party.

There were a little over twenty people there, including Satyr and Cyber. They were watching the porno on a big screen TV.

Satyr was standing next to the TV when he saw Gweg and Marie walking into the room.

Satyr: Hey, it's my friend Gweg and his lovely lady.

There were gasps around the room.

Gweg: I see your watching your porno. Why don't you get to the part where you rape my girlfriend?

Satyr: Rape is such a strong word Gweg. She gave it up willingly.

Marie: That's a lie.

Gweg: How did you do it Satyr?

Satyr: Well, if you really must know, I did it with this!

Satyr whipped out his gun.

Satyr: It's my HARM Ray Gun!

Gweg: Harm?

Satyr: That's right. It stands for... What does it stand for again?

Cyber: Hypno And Reducer Memory.

Satyr: That's right. And it makes anybody my willing slave!

Gweg: That's nice, but I've got a gun of my own.

Gweg whipped out his gun. It was a pistol. Gweg aimed it at Satyr.

Satyr's eyes widened, but he wasn't looking at Gweg's gun, he was looking past Gweg.

Satyr: Gweg, look out it's the...

Gweg didn't;t hear the rest of what Satyr was saying because Marie had let out a scream. Marie was being held by two disembodied arms.

And right next to Marie and the arms, was the Quadriplegiclegic Mime.

Satyr: Wow, it's deja-vu all over again.

(Speaking through telepathy)Quadriplegic Mime: I warned you two that I would have my revenge!

Gweg: No, leave her alone!

Quadriplegic Mime: I don't think so.

The two disembodied arms started to some odd movements around Marie. They went out in front of her and started pressing their palms flat against the air.

Gweg: They are forming an invisible box around you, run!

Marie turned around, but was greeted by a disembodied leg.. It jumped up and kicked Marie in the head, knocking her unconscious.

Another leg appeared and from out of nowhere and kicked the gun out from Gweg's hands.

Gweg made a motion towards the Mime, but the legs jumped in front of him.

Quadriplegic Mime: I wouldn't take one step closer Gweg. My legs have been learning karate and they will kick your ass.

The arms had finished making their box. Gweg had no choice but to watch the woman suffocate before his very eyes.

Gweg: I will kill you for this!

QM: In your dreams Gweg!

Satyr had come up to the mime.

QM: Ah the satyr: Don't worry, I've' got something special for you.

Satyr: I've got something special for you too.

QM: Oh yes, what?

Satyr brought about a tube of hand lotion.

Satyr: It puts the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again.

The Mime mouthed out a scream and the arms grabbed a hold of the wheelchair bars and pushed the Mime away from harm.

Gweg looked over at Satyr.

Gweg: If it wasn't for you, none of this wouldn't have happened.

Gweg bent down and picked up his gun. Satyr was quicker on the draw. Satyr shot Gweg with the HARM Ray.

Satyr told Gweg that he had to go home and forget everything he saw tonight and that Marie had died in a freak shopping bag accident. He told Gweg to go home and get some sleep.

Satyr went back inside the studio apartment and told everybody to go home. Only he and Cyber remained.

Cyber: What's going to keep all of them from talking about what happened.

Satyr: They all work in the porn industry. They have no morals.

Cyber: Well, it's not fair. I never got to have my way with her while she was under your spell.

Satyr went over to Marie's body, picked it up and tossed it in front of Cyber.

Satyr: There, she's all your now.

The End


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