Thursday, April 27, 2006

Secret Ending Number 2

Gweg couldn't believe what he was watching on TV.

There was Satyr, fucking Gweg's mother up the ass.

The rage that filled Gweg's eyes was indescribable.

Satyr turned toward the camera while pumping into Gweg's mom.

Satyr: See what you made me do? Now I have to fuck this bag of bones because you couldn't get me a real chick fuck. Do us a favor and start the DVD over.

Gweg: I'm am going to kill him with my bare hands.

Marie: Ok. I have seen enough. Listen Gweg, I really like you, but I don't think I can be apart of this , this world anymore. Your roommate fucking your mother in a porno. I know I'm a little bit of a freak when it comes to sex, but this is just too much.

Gweg: I didn't know about this!

Marie: I know, that's what is making this harder. I'm sorry Gweg, I wish things could have turned out better.

Marie walked out the door and out of Gweg's life.

Gweg was so pissed he couldn't even move. He stayed there, sitting on the couch, and didn't move until Satyr had walked into the room the next morning.

Satyr: That was one hell of a party Gweg! Oh my, still wearing the same clothes from last night. Tell me you got some Gweg.

Gweg: No, I didn't. But you sure did.

Gweg picked up the DVD case for "Choose Your Porn Adventure" and threw it at Satyr.

Satyr caught it and stared at it.

Satyr: How much of this did you see?

Gweg: Just the apart where you were boning my mother.

Satyr: Oh shit.

Gweg jumped off of the couch and pounced on Satyr. They struggled and threw punches at one another. Gweg managed to get the upper hand and started strangling Satyr.

During the struggle, Satyr's HARM Ray Gun had gotten out of his pocket.

Gweg: I'm going to kill you Satyr. You had sex with my mom and you scared off my girlfriend. Only watching the life drain out of you by my own two hands will give me satisfaction!

Satyr saw the gun lying beside him and managed to grab it. He shot Gweg with it.

Satyr: Damn it. That was the last dose. If only I could remember how to invent there damn things again after I invent them the first time. Damn Dark Lords.

Satyr pushed Gweg of of him and started massaging his throat.

Satyr: Damn you Gweg, you certainly did a number on me.

Gweg: I'm sorry master.

Satyr: Well, there's something I'd never thought I would hear from you. Anyway Gweg, you are going to forget you ever saw me having sex with your mother.

Gweg: Ok.

Satyr: And when you wake up from this trance, you will believe that Marie left you because you can't perform worth a shit in bed.

Gweg: Ok.

Satyr: And you are going to clean the entire apartment and then go to bed.

Gweg: Ok.

Gweg spent the next four hours cleaning the apartment while Satyr watched TV. When Gweg was finished, he did as he was told and went to bed.

An hour later, Gweg came out of the bed room looking like hell.

Satyr: Well, good morning sleepy head. How was your date last night?

Gweg: Don't start in on me. I'm not in the mood.

Satyr: I'm sorry. So, will we be seeing more of your girlfriend around here?

Gweg: No, we broke up last night.

Satyr: Whatever for?

Gweg: We just knew things weren't going to work out.

Satyr: Well, that's a shame. I'm sorry I never got to meet her.

Gweg: I'm not. And let's just drop the subject shall we. I feel like I have a hangover.

Satyr: You don't even drink.

Gweg: I know. Just shut-up.

The phone started ringing.

Gweg grumbled and picked it up.

Gweg: Hello. Oh, hi. Yes, use he is. But why do you want to.... Oh alright.

Gweg took the phone off of his ear ant put his hand over the mouthpiece and spoke to Satyr.

Gweg: It's my mother. Why in the hell does she want to talk to you?

The End.


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